What is HAREI?

HAREI Empowers Hillsborough County NH homeowners with the knowledge and skills to design, build, install, and operate renewable solar energy systems for their homes, contributing to a sustainable future for all. 

How To Join HAREI

The best way to get started with HAREI is:

 HAREI meetings are  online.  Links to the meeting and information sessions are in the calendar.    

Did you miss the  live information sessions?  No worries, check out this recorded session from last year.   When you want to get started just send an email to info@harei.org.

Will Solar Power Work For Me?

The Google Project Sunroof has begun analyzing New Hampshire addresses.

Enter your address at their web site to find out what they think. We can help you turn their estimate into reality.

Live energy monitor of about half of HAREI projects:

Neighbor Helping Neighbor

With over 100 projects completed in Hillsborough county and surrounding towns we can connect you with someone who has been through the process and will help you get started.


Follow us on Facebook

"Like" our Facebook page to get updates on HAREI information sessions and activities.

See the HowTo page for our step-by-step guide to sourcing your electricity from the sun!

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